Pumping Prom Low Pressure Hydrants
Part Two
© 2001 Capt. Willis Lamm, Water Supply Officer, Moraga-Orinda (CA) Fire District


Akron 4-Way Valve

The Akron 4-way valve is more modern and fool proof. It has a gate valve on the supply outlet for the relay pumper intake hose. When relay pump pressure exceeds hydrant pressure, and internal spring loaded sliding valve redirects the flow so that water being sent down the supply line comes from the relay pumper.

This design has two advantages. If the relay pumper hooks up incorrectly, the sliding valve will not operate and the supply line will still operate on hydrant pressure. On multi-outlet wet barrel hydrants the relay pumper can take supply from a steamer connection and discharge directly into the 4-way valve. The supply outlet on the 4-way valve to the relay engine does not have to be used.

In the valve pictured, the supply line connection is configured so that the hose bed can be loaded "female to male" which facilitates setting up hand lines and wye lines.

The Akron 4-Way Valve

(They also come in large diameter sizes)

In very low pressure zones or where additional lines may be laid from the relay pumper to the scene, both the hydrant steamer outlet and 4-way relay pumper connection can be used. Where appropriate, hard suction hose can be used to obtain the desired volume of water from the hydrant.

In cases of very long hose lays using multiple engines, 4-way valves can remain on the end of each hose load as they are chained together. Supply can be started and relay engines can locate and hook up to the 4-way valves to overcome friction loss.

Close-up view


It is difficult to establish a relay operation to boost a large diameter supply line once the line is already hooked up and charged. Therefore we, like Oakland, mark low pressure hydrants (under 50 psi static) with red outlet caps. Companies laying supply lines from hydrant to fire should not make direct LDH hookups to red cap hydrants, but rather leave the hose wrapped around the hydrant for the next arriving engine to relay pump into.

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